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Dog walking and puppy care  

We don't just walk your dog, we walk WITH your dog. We don't trail along behind them, we talk to them, carry treats with us to reinforce behaviours, play games with them and more importantly take them somewhere different EVERY single walk so they have new sniffs to sniffle and new places to be. After all, places to be, people to see! Every walk you will receive a time update as to their pick up, photos and/or videos and a brief message about their walk. 


We ask you to sign an off lead consent form if you are happy for your dog to be off lead and will never let them off without this important requisite as you know your dogs best! Even with an off lead consent form we take time to get to know your dogs first and will usually keep them on lead (such as a long training line) for the first few walks until we are sure they are confident being out with us as we are new to them after all and want to make sure they have a great experience and relationship with us! 


Once you have enquired and we have learnt a little bit about your dog via phone or email we will send you a registration booklet which will comprise forms including photo permission and off lead consent should you agree.  and schedule a no obligation initial meet (charged at a rate of £15 to complete the registration process) for you to get to know us and for us to meet you and your dog


. ​We operate a rewards point system which can save you up to 15% on 8 block bookings and provide tailored quotes for those booking regular services with us so click for a quote today!















Reactive dog walking  (£15 per hour) (solo unless reactivity is due to frustration and we can integrate into a group on your agreement) 

I have a particular interest in walking reactive dogs as I am aware of how worried we can be about these special pups and also how many lessons they can teach us about sensory overload, stress, vibrational frequencies and so much more! Having a reactive dog myself I find it almost impossible to trust anyone to walk her and have only 2 people I would entrust her with. Small incidents can take our reactive dogs training back and it is therefore important for their walks to be tailored to their needs and walking a reactive dog is a key example of how every walk has the opportunity to be educational. I walk with patience, kindness and understanding with these dogs and will aim to put into practice the training you are already doing.  Our first walks would be with you and your dog until we reach a point where your dog looks forward to seeing me and is happy being alone with me. 










Daily Group/duo walks (£12.50) 

Hour long morning and midday walks are offered on weekdays with pick up and drop off from your home. Walks can be arranged on an ad hoc or regular basis. The aim is to build up a strong relationship between us and your dog and to maintain a harmonious group. No more than 4 dogs are ever walked in a group.



Solo Walks (from £15 per hour) 

These are sometimes preferable for certain personalities such as those who are more human oriented, a little fearful or reactive. Also for bitches in season or  puppies who are building up their life skills and require shorter walks. We do walk reactive dogs and will carry out appropriate management and training to help you and your dog along on your journey to calmer walks. 


Puppies (and adult dog) check ins and socialisation trips 

For all dogs we we offer a check in service where we come round to play, practice life skills and ensure they have had the opportunity to toilet. We also feed them and begin to build a bond with them until they are ready for short walks. We also offer socialisation trips for puppies to meet people, other dogs and environments under controlled and well managed conditions. 



Adventure walks (2 hours - £30) 


Give your dog a great trip out to somewhere a little different such as the forest, beach, woods or more! 





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